IBRA® Digital Health Suite

Press Release

22nd February 2021

New nomogram and laser treatment planner for ZEISS SMILE®

Refractive surgeons can now optimize treatment planning for small incision lenticular extraction with the ZEISS VisuMax femto laser platform. The Swiss company Zubisoft is the first one globally to offer a unique ophthalmologist software with nomograms for these innovative treatments.

The Swiss software for eye surgeons serves as decision support for better, more exact results. Nomograms generally have shown to improve visual acuity and to lower retreatment rates. The application makes it easier to plan refractive surgeries and enhances patient outcomes. The IBRA nomogram calculator is the only software that has been certified as a medical device for the use with 11 laser platforms.

“As we have no corporate sponsor and are completely independent, we were able to integrate a wide range of refractive lasers from different manufacturers into our treatment planner”, says Bruno Zuberbuhler, MD, PhD and CEO of Zubisoft. Amongst them are laser platforms by ZEISS, SCHWIND, Alcon, Johnson and Johnson and others. The laser nomograms and technologies by IBRA support refractive treatments with the most advanced treatment planning and nomogram support system.

“During the last 20 years, we constantly developed our software further and perfected it to be used by ophthalmologists. We are proud to offer the largest reference database worldwide, and to support leading refractive surgeons and laser platforms”, adds Dr Zuberbuhler. The software uses a proprietary algorithm with up to nine different factors to calculate accurate laser performance profiles.

The software is approved for the US market and holds a medical device certification for the European market.