
Returns the mean surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) from a data series submitted.

The induced astigmatism is usually calculated based on the change of keratometric (or topographic) astigmatism but can also be calculated from the change of (manifest) refractive astigmatism. This resource allows the calculation of a keratometric SIA (using pre- and postoperative K-values = data_topographic) and a refractive SIA (using pre- and postoperative manifest cylinders = data_manifest).

The main corneal incision causes a flattening effect along the orientation in which it is applied. These curvature changes result in significant alterations to the magnitude and orientation of the principal meridians (astigmatic power and axis). Pre-surgical consideration of these clinical variables will allow the surgeon to plan a more accurate correction of the pre-existing corneal astigmatism with the implantation of a toric intraocular lens. The surgeon can attempt to correct the full post-operative astigmatism. This approach has led to the development of the wide range of commercially available toric IOL calculators.




Standard authentication with public key, hashed private key and user key is required.


Field Description
data_manifest An array which includes cases with the following data (valid range):
  • manifest_cylinder_pre (-8D to 8D)
  • manifest_cylinder_post (-8D to 8D)
  • manifest_ax_pre (0 to 180)
  • manifest_ax_post (0 to 180)
data_topographic An array which includes cases with the following data (valid range):
  • k_flat_pre (35 to 52)
  • k_flat_post (35 to 52)
  • k_steep_pre (35 to 52)
  • k_steep_post (35 to 52)
  • k_steep_axis_pre (0 to 180)
  • k_steep_axis_post (0 to 180)

{"data_manifest": [{
    "manifest_cylinder_pre": -6,
    "manifest_cylinder_post": -1,
    "manifest_ax_pre": 95,
    "manifest_ax_post": 90
}, {
    "manifest_cylinder_pre": -3,
    "manifest_cylinder_post": -1,
    "manifest_ax_pre": 100,
    "manifest_ax_post": 90
}, {
    "manifest_cylinder_pre": -3,
    "manifest_cylinder_post": -1,
    "manifest_ax_pre": 480,
    "manifest_ax_post": 90
"data_topography": [{
    "k_flat_pre": 42,
    "k_flat_post": 42,
    "k_steep_pre": 45,
    "k_steep_post": 44.5,
    "k_steep_axis_pre" : 10,
    "k_steep_axis_post": 15
}, {
    "k_flat_pre": 44.58,
    "k_flat_post": 42,
    "k_steep_pre": 45,
    "k_steep_post": 44.5,
    "k_steep_axis_pre" : 10,
    "k_steep_axis_post": 15


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Public-Key: yourPublicKey' \
--header 'X-User-Key: yourUserKey' \
--header 'X-Private-Key: hashOfYourPrivateKey' \
--data-raw '{"data_manifest": [{
    "manifest_cylinder_pre": -6,
    "manifest_cylinder_post": -1,
    "manifest_ax_pre": 95,
    "manifest_ax_post": 90
}, {
    "manifest_cylinder_pre": -3,
    "manifest_cylinder_post": -1,
    "manifest_ax_pre": 100,
    "manifest_ax_post": 90
}, {
    "manifest_cylinder_pre": -3,
    "manifest_cylinder_post": -1,
    "manifest_ax_pre": 480,
    "manifest_ax_post": 90
"data_topography": [{
    "k_flat_pre": 42,
    "k_flat_post": 42,
    "k_steep_pre": 45,
    "k_steep_post": 44.5,
    "k_steep_axis_pre" : 10,
    "k_steep_axis_post": 15
}, {
    "k_flat_pre": 44.58,
    "k_flat_post": 42,
    "k_steep_pre": 45,
    "k_steep_post": 44.5,
    "k_steep_axis_pre" : 10,
    "k_steep_axis_post": 15



The response includes the following values:

Name Format [Unit] Example Comment
refractive_sia_mean Float [diopter] 0.92 This is the mean refractive SIA
refractive_valid_cases Float 82 Number of cases with valid data (correct range)
refractive_invalid_cases Float 3 Number of cases with invalid data (value out of range)
keratometric_sia_mean Float [diopter] 0.59 This is the mean keratometric SIA
keratometric_valid_cases Float 122 Number of cases with valid data (correct range)
keratometric_invalid_cases Float 0 Number of cases with invalid data (value out of range)

    "refractive_sia_mean": 0.92,
    "refractive_valid_cases": 82,
    "refractive_invalid_cases": 31,
    "keratometric_sia_mean": 0.59,
    "keratometric_valid_cases": 122,
    "keratometric_invalid_cases": 0