Get iframe Data

Returns the data and treatment decision (e.g. nomogram refraction) that was entered in the iframe treatment planner.

Surgeons plan their surgery and decide on the treatment parameters based on a range of unique calculations provided by the iframe treatment planner. The surgeon's decision and determination of the treatment parameters get stored in IBRA, including for example the optical zone and nomogram refraction from the use of the laser treatment planner, or the IOL type and power from the use of the IOL treatment planner. With above resource the API Service Provider can get access to those data and results for use or storage in their own application.




Standard authentication with public key, hashed private key and user key is required.
Resource must be enabled for the requesting user (defined by the subscription plan on customer account level).


The following parameters need to be submitted:

Name Format Comment
case_id String The unique id of the case.

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost/api/planner_case_data/613b03c32378b' \
--header 'X-Private-Key: cb8379ac2098aa165029e3938a51da0bcecfc008fd6795f401178647f96c5b34' \
--header 'X-Public-Key: emr1_384hf3' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-User-Key: 52fHIu2r6tF1' \
--data-raw ''


The response includes the following values.

For cases from the laser treatment planner:
- If the tissue calculations (ead, rsb, pta) were not possible due to missing data, e.g. no pachymetry provided, the response for these fields is "n/a".
- The api returns the selected treatment path (e.g. B2) and information if the treatment refraction was further modified manually (true or false).

Name Format Example Comment
data Array The data we have stored, either submitted by you or manually edited in our iframe
result Array The result we have stored for the particular case, either through iol or laser planner.
The value 'confirmed' is returned 'true' if the iframe button 'Save & Confirm Treatment' was pressed by the user.

    "data": {
        "eye": "R",
        "age": "31",
        "manifest_sphere_pre": "-5.75",
        "manifest_cylinder_pre": "-0.75",
        "manifest_axis_pre": "80",
        "pachymetry_central_pre": "545",
        "flap_thickness": "110",
        "topo0_cylinder": "-1",
        "topo0_axis": "95",
        "laser_optical_zone": "6.5",
        "target_sphere": "-0.25",
        "target_cylinder": "0",
        "method": "LASIK",
        "laser": "3",
        "laser_mode": "WFO"
    "result": {
        "treatment_sphere": "-5.50",
        "treatment_cylinder": "-0.75",
        "treatment_axis": "80",
        "ead": "92",
        "rsb": "343",
        "pta": "37",
        "selected_path": "B1",
        "treatment_modified": "false",
        "confirmed": "true"

    "data": {
        "axial_length": "24",
        "anterior_chamber_depth": "3.1",
        "k_flat_pre": "42",
        "k_steep_pre": "44",
        "k_steep_axis_pre": "85",
        "iol": 514,
        "constant": "118.2",
        "constant0": "0.970 ",
        "constant1": "0.400 ",
        "constant2": "0.100",
        "sia": "0.5",
        "incmeridian": "1",
        "targetref": "0",
        "targetcyl": "0",
        "iolpower": "19.50",
        "pica": 2.47,
        "pica_axis": 82
    "result": {
        "iol": "514",
        "iolDescription": "Lentis Tplus LS-313 T3",
        "iol_power_se": "+19.50",
        "iol_power_cyl": "+3.00",
        "cylinderAxis": "86",
        "residual_astigmatism": "0.37",
        "confirmed": "true"