Create IBRA Case


Creates an IBRA Case from treatment data submitted. This resource also allows upload of multiple IBRA cases in a single request (bulk upload).

The basic idea is to collect all case-related data, including preoperative, operational and postoperative data in the application of the API Service Provider (e.g. an EMR or DHS system), which serves as the 'primary database'. This treatment data is send to IBRA for the calculation of the surgeon-specific nomogram, an important parameter, which then can be used via the iframe laser treatment planner by the surgeon. The data can also be viewed and further analysed with the IBRA standalone software (users might require additional login credentials). This case data is not the same as the 'iframe case', see below, which is used as a data handler only.




Standard authentication with public key, hashed private key and user key.
Resource must be enabled for the requesting application (defined by the subscription plan on customer account level).

You need to submit an array 'data'. The most commonly used data fields are listed below as an example. A full list of possible data fields is available here.

case_id provided
- This is the recommended approach, working with pseudo-anonymized data.
- We suggest you provide a unique case identification number (case_id) with each case, the same you store in your EMR system or DHS.
- If IBRA can find an iframe case with the same case_id, IBRA will get the preoperative and operational data provided with the iframe treatment planner.
- Data provided with the request, e.g. method, will be seen as dominant, and will be used instead of the one from the iframe case (can be used for updates).
- If IBRA can not find an iframe case with the same case_id, IBRA will go ahead and create a new IBRA case with the provide case_id, and a full set of data has to be submitted.

case_id not provided
- A new IBRA case will be created and IBRA will allocated a case id to it (for internal use only).
- The data provided with the request will be stored with the IBRA case.
- This approach enables fully anonymized data handling.

Surgeon-specific nomogram
- The creation of a surgeon-specific nomogram requires preoperative manifest refraction, target refraction, treatment refraction and postoperative manifest refraction.
- When using the iframe treatment planner you will record: preoperative manifest refraction, target refraction and treatment refraction.
- Postoperative manifest refraction can be added with case_id for the IBRA case creation (see example below: JSON Surgeon-specific Nomogram).

Adding patient data
- With the parameter 'addpatients' (Boolean) you can decide wheter the API should automatically generate patients from your data (set to 'true', standard is 'false').
- The following fields are available for the patient record: 'sex', 'pid', 'surname', 'firstname', 'dob', 'street', 'postcode', 'city', 'phone', 'email', 'notes'
- The following fields are the minimal requirement: 'pid', 'surname', 'firstname', 'dob'
- A patient entry is only created for new 'patient ids' (pid) provided. If the pid already exists, the patient does not get created again.

Range and format of data
- Please note the minimum (min) and maximum (max) values for each field in the table below.
- Please note the format: for example visual acuities are in decimal (e.g. 0.8 for 20/25 or 6/7.5), axial lenght and optical zone in mm, pachymetry in micrometer.
- Please note that the age provided with an iframe case (e.g. 43) differs to the DOO format (YYYY-01-01) used for the IBRA case creation.

No case will be created if one of the following situation appears:
- A case with the same case ID (cid) already exists (the API returns an array with the cid of all already existing cases; error_code=1).
- The value of a field is outside of the min/max range (the API returns an array with the cid of the affect case(s) and the name of the affected field; error_code=2)
- A successfull case creation response will look like: {"success": true,"casesRejected": []}

JSON examples
- The example contains 2 cases: the first with typical data for a laser treatment (incl. patient data), the second with typical data for an IOL treatment.
- For date fields (DOB and DOO) only the year is submitted in case 2: DOB has date format (YYYY-01-01), and DOO has datetime format (YYYY-01-01 00:00:00).
- Personal identifiers (case_id, pid, surname) are optional and can be removed if needed (HIPPA), as in case 2.
- If personal identifiers are provided, the date of birth (DOB) must be full (YYYY-MM-DD), and not just the year (YYYY-01-01), see case 1.

Field Format Example Comment Min Max
case_id Text Lujh3dg7863 ID of your case
eye text od (R) od (R) or os (L)
doo date 2021-08-26 Date of operation
anterior_chamber_depth Float 3.02 Depth of the anterior chamber in millimeter preoperatively (from endothelium in phakic IOLs) 0 6
axial_length Float 25.34 Axial length in millimeter 15 39
cdva_pre Float 0.2 (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) 0 2
cdva_1m Float 0.33 (Spectacle/Best) Corrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) 0 2
incision_axis Integer 91 Axis (meridian) of the main incision in degrees 0 360
iol Integer 80 Id of an IOL (see resource Devices to get a list)
iol_axis_preop Integer 87 Intended axis of placement of toric IOLs (preoperative) in degrees 0 180
iol_constant Float 119.2 IOL constant used for calculation of above sphere IOL power (usually SRK/T; but can be a0 of Haigis) 110 130
iol_power_sphere Float 22.5 Spherical power of the intraocular lens (IOL) in diopters -16 44
k_flat_pre Float 22.5 Flatter K-value in diopters preopratively 20 70
k_steep_axis_pre Float 95 Axis of the steeper K-value in degrees preopratively 0 180
k_steep_pre Float 1 ID of the laser. See Resource Devices for IDs.
laser_excimer Integer 3 ID of excimer laser used for ablation:
  • ID=1 (Alcon WaveLight Allegretto)
  • ID=2 (Alcon WaveLight Eye-Q)
  • ID=3 (Alcon WaveLight EX500)
  • ID=6 (Johnson & Johnson VISX S4)
  • ID=8 (Ziemer Aquariuz)
  • ID=9 (Ziemer LDV)
  • ID=10 (Schwind Amaris 500E)
  • ID=11 (Schwind Amaris 750S)
  • ID=12 (Schwind Amaris 1050RS)
  • ID=13 (Schwind ATOS)
  • ID=15 (ZEISS Mel 80)
  • ID=16 (ZEISS Mel 90)
  • ID=17 (ZEISS VisuMax)
  • ID=19 (Bausch Technolas 217)
  • ID=21 (NIDEK EC-5000)
laser_mode Text WFO Excimer laser mode (e.g. WFO, wavefront guided, T-CAT, tissue saving,...)
laser_optical_zone Float 6.3 Diameter of the opical zone in millimeter 1 10
laser_treatment_axis Integer 85 Axis of the cylinder of the refractive treatment in degrees 0 180
laser_treatment_cylinder Float -1.25 Cylinder amount of the refractive treatment in diopters -20 20
laser_treatment_sphere Float -3.5 Sphere amount of the refractive treatment in diopters -25 25
manifest_axis_pre Integer 90 Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) preoperatively 0 180
manifest_axis_1m Integer 90 Axis of the manifest cylinder (in degrees) at 1 month follow-up 0 180
manifest_cylinder_pre Float -1.5 Manifest cylinder (subjective refraction in diopters) preoperatively -20 20
manifest_cylinder_1m Float -0.5 Manifest cylinder at 1 month follow-up -20 20
manifest_sphere_pre Float -3.75 Manifest sphere (subjective refraction in diopters) preoperatively -25 25
manifest_sphere_1m Float -0.25 Manifest sphere at 1 month follow-up -25 25
method String LASIK Supported methods for excimer laser:
  • PRK
  • Trans-PRK
Supported methods for femto laser:
  • Lenticule Extraction
Supported methods for lens surgery:
  • Phaco Cat
  • Phaco RLE
  • Femto Phaco Cat
  • Femto Phaco RLE
target_sphere Float -0.26 Sphere of the target refraction -20 20
udva_pre Float 0.1 Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal preoperatively (monocular) 0 2
udva_1m Float 0.4 Uncorrected distance visual acuity in decimal at 1 month follow-up (monocular) 0 2

    "addpatients": true,
	"data":	[
            "case_id": "12311564_v837",
            "eye": "od (R)",
            "date_operation": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
            "method": "LASIK",
            "laser_excimer": 3,
            "laser_mode": "WFO",
            "intervention": "first",
            "laser_optical_zone": 6.5,
            "target_sphere": 0,
            "target_cylinder": 0,
            "pachymetry_central_pre": 548,
            "laser_treatment_sphere": -5.5,
            "laser_treatment_cylinder": -1.75,
            "laser_treatment_axis": 95,
            "udva_pre": 0.05,
            "udva_1m": 0.63,
            "udva_3m": 0.8,
            "cdva_pre": 1,
            "cdva_1m": 1,
            "cdva_3m": 1.25,
            "manifest_sphere_pre": -5.75,
            "manifest_sphere_1m": 0.5,
            "manifest_sphere_3m": 0.25,
            "manifest_cylinder_pre": -2,
            "manifest_cylinder_1m": -0.75,
            "manifest_cylinder_3m": -0.5,
            "manifest_axis_pre": 95,
            "manifest_axis_1m": 80,
            "manifest_axis_3m": 85,
            "satisfaction": 5,
            "complications_intraop": "none",
            "complications_postop": "none",
            "pid": "12311564",
            "surname": "Every",
            "firstname": "Claudianus",
            "dob": "1980-11-21",
            "sex": "m"
            "eye": "os (L)",
            "dob": "1980-01-01",
            "date_operation": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
            "method": "Phaco Cat",
            "iol": 83,
            "iol_power_sphere": 21.5,
            "iol_power_cylinder": 2.25,
            "iol_constant": 119.3,
            "iol_axis_preop": 86,
            "target_sphere": -0.18,
            "target_cylinder": -0.08,
            "incision_axis": 100,
            "axial_length": 23.74,
            "anterior_chamber_depth": 2.94,
            "k_flat_pre": 43.03,
            "k_steep_pre": 45.12,
            "k_steep_axis_pre": 88,
            "k_flat_1m": 43.32,
            "k_steep_1m": 45.05,
            "k_steep_axis_1m": 83,
            "firstday_udva": 0.63,
            "udva_pre": 0.05,
            "udva_1m": 0.8,
            "udva_3m": 1,
            "cdva_pre": 0.4,
            "cdva_1m": 1,
            "cdva_3m": 1.25,
            "manifest_sphere_pre": 2.75,
            "manifest_sphere_1m": 0.5,
            "manifest_sphere_3m": 0.25,
            "manifest_cylinder_pre": -2,
            "manifest_cylinder_1m": -0.75,
            "manifest_cylinder_3m": -0.5,
            "manifest_axis_pre": 5,
            "manifest_axis_1m": 175,
            "manifest_axis_3m": 0,
            "satisfaction": 4,
            "complications_intraop": "none",
            "complications_postop": "none"


curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/api/cases' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Private-Key: cb8379ac2098aa165029e3938a51da0bcecfc008fd6795f401178647f96c5b34' \
--header 'X-Public-Key: emr1_384hf3' \
--header 'X-User-Key: nnPkEbeMU6Jm' \
--data-raw '{
    "addpatients": true,
	"data": [
            "case_id": "12311564_v837",
            "eye": "od (R)",
            "date_operation": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
            "method": "LASIK",
            "laser_excimer": 3,
            "laser_mode": "WFO",
            "intervention": "first",
            "laser_optical_zone": 6.5,
            "target_sphere": 0,
            "target_cylinder": 0,
            "pachymetry_central_pre": 548,
            "laser_treatment_sphere": -5.5,
            "laser_treatment_cylinder": -1.75,
            "laser_treatment_axis": 95,
            "udva_pre": 0.05,
            "udva_1m": 0.63,
            "udva_3m": 0.8,
            "cdva_pre": 1,
            "cdva_1m": 1,
            "cdva_3m": 1.25,
            "manifest_sphere_pre": -5.75,
            "manifest_sphere_1m": 0.5,
            "manifest_sphere_3m": 0.25,
            "manifest_cylinder_pre": -2,
            "manifest_cylinder_1m": -0.75,
            "manifest_cylinder_3m": -0.5,
            "manifest_axis_pre": 95,
            "manifest_axis_1m": 80,
            "manifest_axis_3m": 85,
            "satisfaction": 0,
            "complications_intraop": "none",
            "complications_postop": "none",
            "pid": "12311564",
            "surname": "Every",
            "firstname": "Claudianus",
            "dob": "1980-11-21",
            "sex": "m"
            "case_id": "12311564_v912",
            "eye": "os (L)",
            "date_operation": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
            "method": "Phaco Cat",
            "iol": 83,
            "iol_power_sphere": 21.5,
            "iol_power_cylinder": 2.25,
            "iol_constant": 119.3,
            "iol_axis_preop": 86,
            "target_sphere": -0.18,
            "target_cylinder": -0.08,
            "incision_axis": 100,
            "axial_length": 23.74,
            "anterior_chamber_depth": 2.94,
            "k_flat_pre": 43.03,
            "k_steep_pre": 45.12,
            "k_steep_axis_pre": 88,
            "k_flat_1m": 43.32,
            "k_steep_1m": 45.05,
            "k_steep_axis_1m": 83,
            "firstday_udva": 0.63,
            "udva_pre": 0.05,
            "udva_1m": 0.8,
            "udva_3m": 1,
            "cdva_pre": 0.4,
            "cdva_1m": 1,
            "cdva_3m": 1.25,
            "manifest_sphere_pre": 2.75,
            "manifest_sphere_1m": 0.5,
            "manifest_sphere_3m": 0.25,
            "manifest_cylinder_pre": -2,
            "manifest_cylinder_1m": -0.75,
            "manifest_cylinder_3m": -0.5,
            "manifest_axis_pre": 5,
            "manifest_axis_1m": 175,
            "manifest_axis_3m": 0,
            "satisfaction": 0,
            "complications_intraop": "none",
            "complications_postop": "none",
            "pid": "12311564",
            "surname": "Every",
            "firstname": "Claudianus",
            "dob": "1980-11-21",
            "sex": "m"


	"addpatients": false,
	"data":	[
            "case_id": "12311564_v837",
            "manifest_sphere_1m": 0.25,
            "manifest_cylinder_1m": -0.5,
            "manifest_axis_1m": 80


The response includes the following values:

Name Format Example Comment
success Boolean

    "success": true

Response of errors

In the situation where one or more cases get rejected the following response appears:

Name Format Example Comment
case_id Boolean 2cc8hd86g
error_code Boolean 2 error_code=1: case already exists
error_code=2: field value outside of allowed range
field Boolean axial lenght
field_value Boolean 235
min Boolean 15
max Boolean 39

    "success": true,
    "casesRejected": [
            "cid": "1trch5qmex",
            "error_code": 2,
            "error_description": "Field out of range",
            "error_field": "manifest_sphere_pre",
            "field_value": -30,
            "min": -25,
            "max": 25
            "cid": "kiegdwe542",
            "error_code": 1,
            "error_description": "Case already present"