Create a Trial Account


Creates an IBRA trial account and returns a user key. The account is valid for 2 weeks. The user will be required to purchase an IBRA subscription to reactivate the account thereafter.

This resources enables the creation of a user account via the API for trial purposes. With the returned user key the Zubisoft API resources, such as the nomogram or iframe laser treatment planner, that require 3 keys (public, private and user) can be used for a limited period of time.




Standard authentication with public key and hashed private key only. No user key is required.
Resource must be enabled for the requesting application (defined by the subscription plan on customer account level).


The following parameters need to be submitted:

Field Format Description
surname String Miller
firstname String Peter
email String

	"surname": "Miller",
    "firstname": "Peter",

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'X-PRIVATE-KEY: hashOfYourPrivateKey' \
--header 'X-Public-Key: yourPublicKey' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "firstname": "Peter",
    "surname": "Miller",
    "email": ""


The response includes the following values:

Name Format Example Comment
user_key String c63kH8Dw%m The user key. EMR and DHS providers need to store this in their application to enable user-specific access to the iframe planner.

    "user_key": "aRandomString"